We know how
Building on many years' of hands-on experience, we provide creative solutions - always cost efficient, emission friendly, safe and reliable.
Who We Are
We are third-party ship management company providing comprehensive in-house technical and crew management services for all types of vessels worldwide, with a particular focus on offshore wind support. As a fully certified organization, our ship management services are founded on four key pillars: SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, and MLC.
Our Management Models
Our company operates under two distinct management models:
- Hybrid Management System
- Outsourcing Management Model
Market Segments
We are active in the following market segments:
- Conventional Shipping (cargo, passenger, ro-ro, ro-pax)
- Offshore Wind Support (SOV, CTV, CSOV)
- O&G Support (PSV, AHTS, sub-sea, standby)
- Ocean-Going Tugs
Our Services
We provide a wide range of services including:
- Technical Management
- Crew Management
- Operational Management
- Newbuilding Supervision
- Tender Management
- Supervision & Consultancy
- Vessel Inspections
- Procurement Services
- Accounting & Financial Services
- Insurance Management
- Distressed Asset Management
- Hotel & Catering Management
- Personnel Services

Certifications and Compliance
We are a recognized and trusted partner and service provider in the maritime sector, including offshore and renewables and are currently holding the following Documents of Compliance:
- DOC Bahrain (Other Cargo)
- DOC Canada (Passenger)
- DOC Denmark (Other Cargo)
- DOC IOM (Other Cargo)
- DOC Malta (Passenger, Other Cargo)
- DOC Marshall Islands (Passenger, Other Cargo)
- DOC Panama (Other Cargo, Passenger)
- DOC Portugal (Passenger)
Having stringent rules and procedures enables us to acquire DOC's from any required flag effortlessly.
ISO Certification

Global Presence
We are present or represented in 12 countries via our own- or group companies:
- Norway
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Finland
- Poland
- Estonia
- Holland
- Ukraine
- China
- Angola
- Mozambique
- Kazakhstan
- Ukraine
- Portugal
- Isle of Man
Our main office located in Tallinn, Estonia. By being where our clients are, we guarantee personal touch, speed and flexibility in all projects.
We are large enough to make a difference but small enough to know you.
Our Team
Our shore staff comes predominantly from maritime background, having served at sea. Our superintendents have all considerable seagoing experience.
We serve all latitudes and attitudes and neither melt nor freeze.
Our Focus
Our company offers ship management services to shipowners worldwide. Through performance, operating plans, systems, and business ethics, it is our vision that shipowners recognize us as a leading technical ship manager with special expertise in the operation of their vessels. Our priorities are:
- Minimizing Off-Hire and Operating Expenses
- Ensuring Safety and Compliance with Regulations
- Delivering Cost-Effective and Safe Operations
Our Objectives
Our objectives are:
- Zero Fatal Injuries, Spills, and Pollution
- Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
- Continuous Improvement of Safety Management Skills
Our History
Nordic roots - Global reach

Today our Group is owned by the 4th and 5th generations of the Tschudi family. Our daily business is run by the management team, with Felix H. Tschudi as Executive Chairman.
Effective corporate governance is the foundation of our business, setting clear responsibilities for our management, employees and partners. We combine local and international practices for good corporate governance across several geographical markets.
We are an adaptable family business with a long tradition of innovation, following market trends and adjusting to new markets accordingly. Our core business has evolved, but our values remain rooted in four generations of maritime tradition.

The Group, originally a ship-owner, is now a maritime transport, logistics and ship management provider, with several business activities in Northern-Norway.
Operating globally, our teams collaborate on projects to provide comprehensive ship management services and experience. This synergy is particularly beneficial in offering offshore support services, making us more resourceful and competitive.
Creating value by daring to be different
We dare to solve tasks with new methods and creative thinking rooted in our core values:
Be ahead! Create opportunities.
We take opportunities and think options.
We act before a solution becomes a problem or even better turn it into an opportunity.
We are committed to our core values.
We support and respect new ideas, our customers, colleagues and owner.
This is only possible if you are committed to and trust your colleagues so that everyone can contribute positively.
We respect our colleagues and clients by delivering on time and give reliable feedback and support.
We gain the customers trust and respect by delivering above their expectations.
We respect differences in culture and personalities.

Our focus on the environment
We act as a responsible corporate citizen, living our values in relation to the businesses, societies and environments where we operate. We try to leave no footprint and if we do, to make sure it's a positive one.
How did it start
Our history dates back to 1883 when the shipping company Tschudi & Eitzen AS was established. The founders were both Captains onboard the world's first sailing tankers. At this time, Norway was ranked as the third biggest seafaring nation after England and USA.
In 1883, Captain Camillo Eitzen gave up a life at sea and returned to Norway to establish a business on land. He was joined in 1891 by his friend Captain Henry F. Tschudi and together they were the first partners in the shipping company Camillo Eitzen & Co. later renamed Tschudi & Eitzen.

A new era started for Tschudi Shipping Company AS in 2003 after the demerger from Tschudi & Eitzen into two separate companies. A new company required a new logo. Both our logo and funnel mark carry history - read more here.
As a result of division of the business - Tschudi Shipping Company AS became 100% owner of former TESMA Estonia AS which was renamed on March 10, 2005 to First Baltic Shipmanagement AS and as of October 1, 2007 continued its business activities under new name – Tschudi Ship Management AS.
All business activities of the Company continued as before, and Tschudi Ship Management AS continued to offer technical, safety and quality ship management and crewing services to the TSCGroup as well as to the third party owners.
Today the Tschudi Group is owned by the 4th and 5th generation of the Tschudi family. Third generation, Captain Henry F. Tschudi was engaged in the family ship-owning business from 1945 – 1992.

Each generation has been entrepreneurial and committed to new strategies thus creating a memorable and exciting history spanning over several generations.
Our vision “Creating value by daring to be different” has been clearly reflected over the years. We have a long history and for the Group’s 125th anniversary a film highlighting memorable events was released. History never dates and today it is just as interesting and informative! You can also read more about our eventful past in our History section.